Punjab Government Mazdor Card Information
In a country where people are crying out for inflation. The Punjab government is also taking some revolutionary steps for the working class. In this regard, the first Punjab government has issued a Health card for the middle class. Low-income people can get their family treated at any hospital. While cost will be borne by the Punjab government. The card was first issued in Punjab. And then later in KPK and now the government intends to issue it all over Pakistan.

After that the Punjab government introduced farmer cards. To provide relief to the farmers through which the farmers will be given subsidy on purchase of fertilizer seeds and agricultural implements. The Punjab government says that agriculture sector is the backbone of the country’s development. If the farmer is prosperous then the country will be prosperous.
Recently the Punjab Government has issued another card. Which has been named as Mazdoor Card. This card has been issued jointly by Bank of Punjab and Government of Punjab. While Bank of Punjab will sponsor it. With the help of this card the Punjab government has tried to provide adequate facilities to the working class .
Other Benefits
- Marriage grant.
- Death grant.
- Student talent scholarship.
- As well as medical treatment facilities.Fourteen types of other benefits.
- Online verification of registered workers
- Timely payment of financial benefits to workers.
- Also 5 to 30% discount on purchases from more than 130 commercial and commercial points
- Card swipe facility for purchases
- Minimum monthly wages to workers Payment through bank account.
- In addition, it can be used as a debit card, ATM and mobile wallet account.
- In future, this card can also be used in health card and loan schemes. The Punjab government has tried that This card can be used to protect workers as much as possible.

How To Apply For Punjab Mazdoor Card?
For online apply by installing application through Google play store. just click the Link below for Installing Application and apply. Or Search Pessi Benefit on Google play store.